In this article, we will have an indepth look at RAD 140. This compound, also known as Testolone, is considered by many to be the strongest SARM around. We will see if this claim is grounded and discuss how RAD 140 compares to other SARMs such as LGD-4033 and YK-11.
But let’s start at the beginning by asking:
- What is RAD 140?
- How does it work?
- What are the benefits and side effects of RAD-140?
- What is the recommended dosage and cycle length for RAD-140?
What is RAD-140?
RAD 140 (Testolone) is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). Similar to other SARMS, it is a chemical that binds to the androgen receptors in a tissue selective manner. So, what the hell does that mean?
Androgen receptors (AR) are found throughout the human body. Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are hormones that bind to these receptors and activate them, leading to changes in gene expression that control the development and maintenance of male sexual characteristics and other physiological functions, including muscle growth, bone density, and the production of sperm.
However, steroids come with significant side effects because androgen receptors are also involved in the development and progression of various diseases, including prostate cancer and male pattern baldness.
Androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) have a broad impact on the androgen receptor (AR) throughout the body, while Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) such as RAD 140 have a more targeted approach. They work by binding specifically to androgen receptors in certain types of tissue, particularly in skeletal muscles. This targeted action is why SARMs are being studied as a potential safer alternative to traditional anabolic steroids.
A brief history of RAD 140
Testolone was developed as a possible treatment for muscle wasting and breast cancer in 2011. Since research shows this SARM has possible neuroprotective properties, there is ongoing research on the role it could play in Alzheimer’s disease.
Since Testolone is one of the newer SARMs, it isn’t as well-researched as LGD-4033 or MK-2866. In fact, the first human trial of RAD-140 was only recently conducted and finished.
How does it work?
RAD 140 operates by targeting androgen receptors in specific types of body tissue. For example, it attaches to the androgen receptors in skeletal muscle, leading to anabolic effects. However, it does not attach to the same receptors in organs like the prostate, thus preventing many of the adverse side effects associated with steroids.

Is RAD 140 the strongest SARM available?
Based on the available clinical research, as well as tons of anecdotal evidence from users, we know that Testolone is certainly one of the most powerful SARMs. On a mg-to-mg basis RAD 140 it is stronger than Ligandrol or Ostarine in building strength and gaining mass in a very short time.
RAD-140 benefits
The most pronounced benefits of this SARM, are:
- Increased level of lean muscle mass
- Increased strength
- Increased endurance
- Enhanced fat loss
We will discuss these effects in more detail.
Increased levels of lean muscle mass
As expected from a SARM like Testolone, it can increase lean muscle mass when combined with proper training, nutrition, and rest. Testolone will help your body increase the rate of protein synthesis, which is a process that aids in building and increasing muscle mass. When you push your body during a workout, you actually cause a little damage to the muscles, creating microtears in your muscle fibers. Your body uses proteins to repair those tears, which then builds up your lean muscle mass.
Increased Endurance
SARMs like Testolone can help increase your muscular endurance. This is because the anabolic effects of these SARMs boost your body’s metabolism, helping it more effectively metabolize energy. As a result, you can spend longer in the gym and should experience decreased recovery time between workouts. This is beneficial because with shorter recovery times, you are less likely to lose muscle mass.
Promotes fat loss
Increasing muscle mass has a beneficial side effect. Muscle weighs more than fat, but did you know that increasing muscle mass can also help decrease fat levels? Muscle maintenance burns more calories than fat. This means that having a higher level of muscle mass can help you burn more calories, leading to fat loss over time.

RAD140 safe dosage
Dosages used in research and human trials
As previously mentioned, only one study has actually been performed on humans, with all the test subjects being women.
The doses used were disproportionately high, but the women tolerated the compound well, and no deaths were caused by such a high dose.
What is interesting is that, based on this trial, the maximum tolerated dose was deemed 100mgs per day.
However, we have to consider the fact that women were used as test subjects, and if someone were to repeat the same experiment with men using the same dosages, the threat of a complete testosterone shutdown would be imminent.
This study doesn’t help us much in determining the perfect dosage for RAD140, but it does seem to indicate the relative safety, even in higher dosages.
RAD 140 results at a low dose
Because RAD 140 is the strongest SARM on the market, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it is effective even at very low dosages. This chart shows the dose specific effects on fat and lean muscle mass over a period of 29 days.

RAD-140 dosage and cycle length
For the purpose of increasing muscle mass, strength, stamina and fat loss, the most common dosage for RAD-140 is between 5 and 20 mg per day, depending on the desired goal. We will discuss a few possible cycles:
Beginner cycle
Week | RAD-140 dosage |
1 – 2 | 5mg per day |
3 – 4 | 10mg per day |
5 – 6 | 15mg per day |
Week 1 and 2
Start with 5mg of per day to allow your body to adjust to this compound.
Week 3 and 4
Increase the dosage to 10mg per day to achieve better results.
Week 5 and 6
During the last 2 weeks of this cycle, you could increase the dose to 15mg per day for maximum benefits. This is optional, as many users report excellent results on just 10mg per day.
Advanced cycle
Week | RAD-140 dosage |
1 – 2 | 10mg per day |
3 – 4 | 15mg per day |
5 – 6 | 20mg per day |
Best RAD 140 dosage for bulking
The best RAD-140 dosage for gaining mass is 20mg per day for 8 weeks if used stand-alone. When used as part of a stack with LGD-4033, it is generally recommended to stick to 10mg per day.
RAD 140 side effects
With such a potent SARM as Testolone, you can experience certain side effects. Based on anecdotal evidence and user reports, most people don’t experience any side effects except for a small dip after a RAD140 cycle. This is quite normal, because you will experience some suppression, which we will cover below.
Some of the other, but less common side effects associated with this compound are:
- Headaches
- Aggression
- Nausea
- Acne
You have to consider the fact that RAD 140 as well as the other SARMs, are still being researched. This means that clinical data on possible long-term side effects is currently limited. But based on the data that is available, combined with many user reports it is looking promising.
Testosterone suppression
Just like all other SARMs, RAD 140 increases the amount of Testosterone in your body.
But your body catches up soon and realizes that it doesn’t need to produce any Testosterone on its own as there now is an exogenous source of it being supplied through RAD 140.
That’s why it stops producing the LH hormone on its own, causing suppression to occur as your natural Testosterone levels plummet.
Does RAD-140 require a PCT?
Most SARMs will suppress natural testosterone production to a certain degree and Testolone is certainly no exception to this. In fact, it is considered to be one of the most suppressive SARMs on the market.
It is highly recommended that you follow a PCT (post-cycle therapy) to prevent losing your hard-earned muscle gains after the end of a cycle and prevent unwanted side effects caused by low testosterone levels.
As we describe in more depth in our SARMS PCT guide, there are multiple several options. The one that has gained a lot of popularity among bodybuilders and athletes, is Enclomiphene citrate.
A 4-week cycle of Enclomiphene at 12.5 mg per day following a RAD-140 cycle can help restore natural testosterone levels, normalize hormone levels, and prevent unwanted side effects associated with low testosterone levels.
Is RAD-140 legal?
The legal status of Testolone is similar to most other SARMS. RAD-140 is legal to buy, own and even consume in almost every country for research purposes.
Because RAD-140 is not FDA approved for human consumption, it is not a legal supplement.
All major organizations prohibit the use of RAD 140 in competitive sports.
SARMs are legal when sold as research chemicals. This means it is perfectly legal to buy, possess, and also consume SARMs for research or medical purposes.
Stacking RAD 140
While RAD 140 is a powerful compound that delivers great results when used on its own, it is often stacked with other SARMs for even better results. You can read all about stacking SARMs in our article: Stacking SARMs: The ultimate guide.
A very popular stack combines RAD140 with LGD4033.
For even more powerful results, it can be combined with LGD-4033 and MK-677.
RAD-140 vs LGD-4033
Now that we have established that RAD-140 is one of the strongest SARMs currently on the market, let’s review how it compares to LGD-4033, also known as Ligandrol.
- Increasing muscle mass: When it concerns an increase in muscle mass, LGD will produce faster results for most, but RAD is known to provide leaner muscle gains.
- Improving strength: Based on user reports and mostly anecdotal evidence, RAD-140 is somewhat more effective in increasing strength than LGD-4033.
- Fat loss: RAD 140 is more effective at burning fat than LGD 4033, although both SARMs are generally used for bulking.
- Suppression: RAD-140 suppresses natural testosterone production to a greater extend than LGD-4033 does. This means that I will generally take a bit longer before your testosterone levels are back to bassline after a cycle of Testolone, when compared to Ligandrol.
RAD-140 vs YK-11
While Testolone is the strongest non-steroidal SARM on the market, YK-11 is an even more potent (but steroidal) SARM. You can find more info on YK 11 in our article: Why YK-11 is more than just a SARM. Let’s see how these two compounds compare.
- Increasing muscle mass: As impressive as RAD 140 is in increasing muscle mass, it is no match for YK-11. YK 11 is the only SARM that acts as a myostatin inhibitor, which makes it obviously better when it comes to gaining (lean) muscle mass.
- Improving strength: The fact that YK-11 is a steroidal SARM that is also active as a myostatin inhibitor, makes it more effective at increasing strength than RAD-140.
- Fat loss: RAD 140 is more effective at burning fat than YK 11.
- Suppression: Since YK 11 is a steroidal SARM that closely resembles DHT, it is far more suppressive than RAD-140 is. While the use of a PCT is optional with RAD, YK-11 is far more suppressive, which means that some sort of Post Cycle Therapy is highly advisable.
FAQ about RAD-140
How does RAD140 work?
RAD140 works similarly to the way that steroids work. The difference is that it is selective and only binds to the androgen receptors in specific tissue. As a result, it causes a lot less side effects than steroids.
Is RAD-140 legal?
Yes, Testolone is legal to buy, own and consume. It can be legally sold as research chemical, but not as a supplement intended for human consumption. Fore more information, have a look at the following article:
What is the best dosage for RAD 140?
Testolone is active in dosages as low as 1 mg. A common dosage for RAD lies between 5 mg and 20 mg per day, with 10 mg being the sweet spot.
What is the half-life of RAD 140?
Many sources claim a half-life of 24 hours for Testolone. But that is incorrect. According to the first human trial that finished in 2020, the half-life of Testolone actually seems to be closer to 60 hours.
Does RAD-140 require a PCT?
Testolone is one of the more suppressive SARMs currently available and a proper post cycle therapy is recommended to restore natural testosterone levels.
Which PCT is recommended for RAD-140?
The most popular form of PCT after a cycle of RAD-140 or another suppressive SARM is Enclomiphene citrate.